
Continuing Education


Approved Continuing Education Courses

(As of February 12, 2025)

Listed below are the courses approved for appraiser continuing education credit as of date shown above. Course sponsors are listed alphabetically with their approved courses. Shown parenthetically beside each course title are sets of numbers [for example: (15/10)]. The first number indicates the number of actual classroom hours and the second number indicates the number of approved continuing education credit hours. You must contact the course sponsor at the address or telephone number provided to obtain information regarding course schedules and locations.

Courses not marked O/L may be offered in the classroom or in a synchronous format. Synchronous courses are live courses taught in a virtual format such as Zoom, WebEx, etc., and have direct interaction with the instructor. Asynchronous courses are self-paced, allowing the student to log in at any time and the instructor interaction is usually limited to email.

Course Sponsor

Approved Courses

ACEI d/b/a Calypso Continuing Education
PO Box 176
Randolph, VT 05060
Online/Asynchronous Courses

O/L 2024-2025 7-Hour Equivalent National USPAP Update (7/7)
O/L A Brief Historic Stroll through America's Architecture for Appraisers (7/7)
O/L Acquainting Ourselves with the ANSI Standard: Measuring Residential Properties (7/7)
O/L Appraising Energy Efficient Residential Properties (8/8)
O/L Appraising Manufactured Homes in America (7/7)
O/L Construction Details: From Concept to Completion (7/7)
O/L Cost Approach and Land Valuation (7/7)
O/L Cultural Competency and Elimination of Bias in Appraisals (3/3)
O/L Environmental Hazards Impact on Value (7/7)
O/L FHA Site Inspection (7/7)
O/L Mold A Growing Concern (3.5/3.5)
O/L Victorian Era Architecture for Real Estate Professionals (3.5/3.5)

American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers
720 S. Colorado Blvd. Suite 360-S
Glendale, CO 80246


Classroom/Synchronous Courses

2024-2025 7-Hour National USPAP Update (7/7)
Advanced Appraisal Exam Preparation Course (20/20)
Advanced Rural Case Studies (30/30)
Appraisal of Water Rights Seminar (8/8)
Appraisal Through the Eyes of the Reviewer (7/7)
Appraising Ag Facilities: Feedlot Seminar (8/8)
Appraising Ag Facilities: Poultry Seminar (8/8)
Appraising Agricultural Land in Transition (8/8)
Data Analytics for Appraisers (8/8)
Farm and Ranch Succession, Estate, and Continuity Planning (8/4)
Introduction to Business Valuation for Rural Appraisers (8/8)
Introduction to Native American Real Estate Appraisal (4/4)
Principles of Permanent Planting Valuation (8/8)
Rural Sales Analysis and Verification (8/8)
The Appraiser as an Expert Witness (8/8)
Timber Property Valuation (8/8)
Uniform Appraisal Standards for Federal Land Acquisitions (Yellow Book) Course (21/21)
Valuation of Conservation Easements (22/22)

Appraisal Institute
200 W. Madison, Suite 2000
Chicago, IL 60606



Classroom/Synchronous Courses

2024-2025 7-Hour National USPAP Update (7/7)
700 Appraisers as Expert Witness (15/15)
Advanced Spreadsheet Modeling for Valuation Applications (14/14)
Application & Interpretation of Simple Linear Regression (14/14)
Appraiser's Guide to the New URAR (7/7)
Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, and the Metaverse Implications for Valuation (7/7)
Business Practices & Ethics (6/6)
Case Studies in Appraising Green Residential Buildings (7/7)
Community Land Trusts (CLT) Appraiser Training (4/4)
Condemnation Appraising: Principles & Apps (21/21)
Desktop Appraisals (Bifurcated, Hybrid) and Evaluations (7/7)
Fair Value, Market Value, Fair Market Value (7/7)
Fundamentals of Appraising Affordable Housing (7/7)
Fundamentals of Separating Real & Personal Property from Intangible Business Assets (14/14)
Historic Preservation (Facade) Easements: Appraisal Techniques and Valuation Issues (7/7)
Impact of Short-term Rentals (on Real Property Valuation) (7/7)
Inconsistency: It's Hiding in Plain Sight in Your Appraisal (7/7)
Inconsistency: It's Hiding in Plain Sight in Your Residential Appraisal (7/7)
Intro to Green Buildings: Principles & Concepts (8/7)
Litigation Appraising: Specialized Topics and Applications (21.5/21.5)
Practical Applications in Appraising Green Commercial Properties (14/14)
Practical Applications of Fundamental Analysis (7/7)
Residential & Commercial Valuation of Solar (14/14)
Review Case Studies - General (30/30)
Review Case Studies - Residential (14/14)
Review Theory - General (30/30)
Review Theory - Residential (15/15)
Uniform Appraisal Standards for Federal Land Acquisitions (14/14)
Valuation of Conservation Easements (28/28)
Valuation Overview of Accessory Dwelling Units (7/7)

Online/Asynchronous Courses

O/L 2024-2025 7-Hr Equivalent USPAP Update (7/7)
O/L Analyzing Operating Expenses (7/7)
O/L Appraisal of Manufactured Homes (8.5/7.5)
O/L Appraisal of Medical Office Buildings (7/7)
O/L Appraising Automobile Dealership Course (7/7)
O/L Appraising Condos, Co-ops and PUDs (7/7)
O/L Appraising Residential Property on Tribal Lands in Closed Market Areas (4/4)
O/L Business Practices and Ethics (6/6)
O/L Case Studies in Appraising Green Commercial Buildings (14/14)
O/L Case Studies in Appraising Green Residential Buildings (7/7)
O/L Comparative Analysis (7/7)
O/L Eminent Domain & Condemnation (7/7)
O/L Excel Applications for Valuation (8/8)
O/L Expand Your Practice: Arbitration Do's and Don'ts (7/7)
O/L FHA Appraising: Principles & Procedures (7/7)
O/L Forecasting Revenue (7/7)
O/L Fundamentals of Apartment Appraising (7/7)
O/L Fundamentals of the Uniform Appraisal Standards for Federal Land Acquisitions (4/4)
O/L Intro to Green Buildings: Principles & Concepts (7/7)
O/L Measure it Right: Using the ANSI-Z765 (4/4)
O/L Practical Applications of the Residential Sales Comparison Approach (4/4)
O/L Rapid Response: Market Analysis in Volatile Markets (7/7)
O/L Rates & Ratios: Making Sense of GIMS, OARS & DCF (7/7)
O/L Residential and Commercial Valuation of Solar (14/14)
O/L Reviewing Res App and Using Fannie Mae (7/7)
O/L Small Hotel/Motel Valuation (7/7)
O/L Subdivision Valuation (7/7)
O/L The Appraiser's Guide to Expert Witnessing (7/7)
O/L The Discounted Cash Flow Model: Concepts, Issues, and Applications (5/5)
O/L Thinking Outside The Form (4/4)
O/L Understanding and Appraising Residential REOs (4/4)
O/L Using Your HP12C Financial (7/7)
O/L Valuation Bias - The Invisible Fence of Racial Discrimination (5/5)

Appraisal Institute, NC Chapter
1300 Baxter Street, Suite 360
Charlotte, NC 28204
Fair Value, Market Value, Fair Market Value (7/7)
The Unit Rule, The Expert Report and The Calling: Why Our Expertise Matters (7/7)

AppraiseNC4U Appraiser Education
PO Box 1185
Grandy, NC 27939

Classroom/Synchronous Courses

Road Map to Mastering Expert Witness Testimony (4/4)
Supervisory Appraiser/Trainee Appraiser Course (4/4)

Appraiser eLearning, LLC
3314 West End Avenue, Suite 102
Nashville, TN 37203


Classroom/Synchronous Courses

2024-2025 7-Hour National USPAP Update (7/7)
2025 ACTS - Day 1 (7/7)
2025 ACTS - Day 2 (7/7)
6 Recent Appraiser Lawsuits and the Lessons from Each (3/3)
Advanced Appraisal Review (7/7)
Appraiser's Guide to Appraisal Inspections - Synchronous (7/7)
Appraiser's Guide to Highest and Best Use (4/4)
Appraiser's Guide to Short Term Rentals (4/4)
Appraiser's Guide to the Income Approach (7/7)
Appraising Limited Market Properties (4/4)
Appraising Pre-Foreclosures, Short Sales & REO's (7/7)
Believe It or Not: Creating Credible and Supported Adjustments (4/4)
Creating Formulas that Work (7/7)
Critique - Anatomy of a Review (7/7)
Diversifying Your Practice - Inside and Out (7/7)
Elimination of Bias and Cultural Competency for Appraisers - with Real World Relevance (3/3)
FHA Roadmap (7/7)
Fostering Diversity in the Appraiser Profession (3/3)
How to Appraise Solar Panels (7/7)
Manufactured Housing (7/7)
Non-Lending Appraisals: Expanding Your Appraisal Practice (7/7)
Objectivity: Market Change and GLA (4/4)
Scan to Sketch - Practical Application of Mobile Appraising (7/7)
Supported Land Value (4/4)
The Appraiser's Guide to the New URAR (7/7)
The Life of an Appraisal - What Happens Next? (4/4)
The Other Appraisal Reports: Exploring Restricted and Oral Appraisal Reports (7/7)
The Past, Present and Future of the Mortgage Appraisal (7/7)
Top 15 Takeaways from Your Colleagues' Legal Misfortunes (3/3)
Ultimate Workfile: What, When, Why (4/4)

Online/Asynchronous Courses

O/L ANSI, Home Measurement, and the Power of Price-Per-Square-Foot (7/7)
O/L Appraiser Liability 101: Essential Concepts (4/4)
O/L Appraiser's Guide to Appraisal Inspections (7/7)
O/L Appraiser's Guide to Covering Your Appraisal (4/4)
O/L Appraising 2-4 Unit MF Properties (7/7)
O/L Appraising Complex Properties with Unique Characteristics (3.5/3.5)
O/L CARR: 4 Secrets to a Great Appraisal (4/4)
O/L Commercial Property Valuation (7/7)
O/L Desktops 101: Navigating GSE Appraisal Modernization (4/4)
O/L Depreciated Replacement Cost (7/7)
O/L Learning Home Measurement - Video Series (5/5)
O/L Measuring Square Footage with ANSI Z765-2021 (4/4)
O/L Public Records, Square Footage & the Real Estate Information Crisis (7/7)
O/L Sales Comparison Approach: A Course on Analysis and Reporting (7/7)
O/L Selecting and Supporting Market Adjustments (3/3)

Central Piedmont Community College
PO Box 35009
Charlotte, NC 28235-5009

Classroom/Synchronous Courses

Supervisory Appraiser/Trainee Appraiser Course (4/4)

Edgecombe Community College
225 Tarboro Street
Rocky Mount, NC 27801

Classroom/Synchronous Courses

2024-2025 7-Hour National USPAP Update (7/7)

Grapevine Education Services
600 Derby Court
Gastonia, NC 28054
Classroom/Synchronous Courses

2024-2025 7-Hour National USPAP Update (7/7)

Green Mountain eLearning
29 Stone Road
Williamstown, VT 05679

O/L Big Data-Big Trouble, Public Records, Square Footage & Big Data Myths (5/5)
O/L Cultural Competency and Elimination of Bias (3/3)
O/L Measuring Square Footage with ANSI (4/4)

McKissock Appraisal Schools
399 S. Spring Ave., Suite 108
St. Louis, MO 63110



Classroom/Synchronous Courses

2024-2025 7-Hour National USPAP Update (7/7)
Appraiser's Guide to the New URAR (7/7)
Appraising 2-4 Unit Residences (7/7)
Appraising REO Properties (4/4)
Appraising Small Apartment Properties (4/4)
Cracking the Code-Demystifying Desktop and Hybrid Appraisals (3/3)
Live Webinar: Appraising Complex and Stigmatized Residential Properties (7/7)
Live Webinar: Appraising Condominium Units (3/3)
Live Webinar: Diversify Your Appraisal Practice with Assessment Appeals (4/4)
Live Webinar: Diversify Your Appraisal Practice with Estate Appraisals (3/3)
Live Webinar: Focus on FHA Minimum Property Requirements (4/4)
Live Webinar: Fundamentals of Expert Witness Testimony (4/4)
Live Webinar: Land and Site Valuation (5/5)
Live Webinar: Learning from the Mistakes of Others: Appraisal Disciplinary Case Studies (3/3)
Live Webinar: Market Disturbances (4/4)
Live Webinar: Measuring 1-4 Unit Residential Properties with ANSI Z765 Standard (4/4)
Live Webinar: Mortgage Lending Appraisal Requirements: Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (7/7)
Live Webinar: New Construction Essentials - Luxury Homes (3/3)
Live Webinar: REO Appraisal: Guidelines and Best Practices (4/4)
Live Webinar: Residential Property Inspection for Appraisers (7/7)
Live Webinar: Responding to a Reconsideration of Value (3/3)
Live Webinar: Supporting Adjustments: The Journey from Analysis To Adjusting (4/4)
Live Webinar: The Appraiser's Guide to HUD Handbook 4000.1 (7/7)
Live Webinar: The Fundamentals of Appraising Luxury Homes (4/4)
Live Webinar: Using Appraisal Report Templates Responsibly (3/3)
Live Webinar: Valuation of Residential Solar (3/3)
Mortgage Fraud Insights - Case Studies for Appraisers (4/4)
Navigating Essential Tools for Real Estate Appraisal (4/4)
Navigating AI - Transformative Tools for Appraisers (4/4)
Unlocking Valuation Conditions - Desktop & Hybrid Appraisals (4/4)

Online/Asynchronous Courses

O/L 2024-2025 7-Hour National USPAP Update (7/7)
O/L Appraisal of Fast Food Facilities (7/7)
O/L Appraisal of Industrial and Flex Buildings (7/7)
O/L Appraisal of REO and Foreclosure Properties (7/7)
O/L Appraisal of Self-Storage Facilities (7/7)
O/L Appraising 2-4 Unit Residences (7/7)
O/L Appraising Today's Manufactured Homes (7/7)
O/L Best Practices for Completing Bifurcated and Hybrid Appraisals (3/3)
O/L Commercial Land Valuation (4/4)
O/L Complex Properties: The Odd Side of Appraisal (7/7)
O/L Divorce and Estate Appraisals: Elements of Non-Lending Work (4/4)
O/L Evaluating Today's Residential Appraisal: Reliable Review (7/7)
O/L Expert Witness Testimony Basics for Appraisers (4/4)
O/L Fair Housing, Bias and Discrimination (4/4)
O/L Green Building Concepts for Appraisers (7/7)
O/L GSE Appraisal Requirements and Guidelines (7/7)
O/L Income Approach Case Studies for Commercial Appraisal (4/4)
O/L Intermediate Income Approach Case Studies for Commercial Appraisers (4/4)
O/L Intro to Appraising Owner-Occupied Commercial Properties (7/7)
O/L Introduction to Commercial Appraisal Review (7/7)
O/L Introduction to Expert Witness Testimony for Appraisers - to Do or Not to Do (4/4)
O/L Introduction to the Uniform Appraisal Dataset (2/2)
O/L Land & Site Valuation (7/7)
O/L Market Disturbances - Appraisals in Atypical Markets and Cycles (3/3)
O/L Navigating Desktop & Hybrid Appraisals (7/7)
O/L New Construction Essentials: Luxury Homes (3/3)
O/L NC Supervisory Appraiser/Trainee Appraiser Course (4/4)
O/L Performing Divorce Appraisals (3/3)
O/L Performing Estate Appraisals (3/3)
O/L Relocation Appraisal and the New ERC Form (6/6)
O/L Residential Appraisal Review and Compliance (7/7)
O/L Residential Construction and the Appraiser (7/7)
O/L Residential Property Inspection for Appraisers (7/7)
O/L Residential Property Measurement and ANSI Z765 (4/4)
O/L Residential Report Writing: More Than Forms (7/7)
O/L Small Spaces, Big Impact-Appraising ADUs (3/3)
O/L Supporting Your Adjustments - Methods for Residential Appraisers (3/3)
O/L That's a Violation (4/4)
O/L The Appraisal Landscape of Rural Residential Properties (5/5)
O/L The Basics of Expert Witness for Commercial Appraisers (7/7)
O/L The Cost Approach (7/7)
O/L The FHA Handbook 4000.1 (7/7)
O/L The Fundamentals of Appraising Luxury Homes (4/4)
O/L The Income Approach (7/7)
O/L The Sales Comparison Approach (7/7)
O/L Uncovering and Valuing Current Luxury Home Trends (2/2)
O/L Understanding Luxury Home Features (7/7)
O/L Uniform Appraisal Standards for Federal Land Acquisitions (Yellow Book) (14/14)
O/L VA Appraisal Requirements and Guidelines (7/7)
O/L Valuation of Residential Green Buildings (4/4)
O/L Valuation of Residential Solar (3/3)

Mitchell Community College
701 W. Front Street
Statesville, NC 28677

Classroom/Synchronous Courses

2024-2025 7-Hour National USPAP Update (7/7)

NC Department of Revenue
501 N. Wilmington Street
Raleigh, NC 27604

Classroom/Synchronous Courses

IAAO 101: Fundamentals of Real Property Appraisal (30/30)
IAAO 102: Income Approach to Valuation (30/30)
IAAO 201: The Appraisal of Land (30/30)
IAAO 300: Fundamentals of Mass Appraisal (30/30)
IAAO 311: Real Property Modeling Concepts (30/30)
IAAO 452: Fundamentals of Assessment Ratio Studies (18/18)
NCDOR - Present Use Value Seminar (15/15)
NCDOR - Tax Administration in NC (30/22)

1821 Hillandale Road, Suite 1B-145
Durham, NC 27705

2024-2025 7-Hour National USPAP Update (7/7)
Custom MLS Export, Chart and Trendline Creation (4/4)
Dang, Is That a Doublewide? (3/3)
FHA Appraisals - What Are They Looking For? (7/7)
Liability and Risk: Protecting Yourself as an Appraiser (3/3)

OREP Education Network
6353 El Cajon Blvd, Suite 124-605
San Diego, CA 92115

Online/Asynchronous Courses

O/L Applying Appraisal Standards for Competent Valuations (7/7)
O/L Appraisal Adjustments II: Solving Complex Appraisals (7/7)
O/L Appraiser Liability and Risk Management (7/7)
O/L Determining Market Value and How to Adjust for Concessions (4/4)
O/L How to Raise Appraisal Quality and Minimize Risk (7/7)
O/L How to Support and Prove Your Adjustments (7/7)
O/L Identifying and Correcting Appraisal Failures (7/7)
O/L Non-Lending Appraisal Assignments (7/7)

Perry Appraisals
PO Box 1172
Granite Falls, NC 28630

Classroom/Synchronous Courses

Questions You Would Like to Hear Answered, #2 (7/7)

The CE Shop
5670 Greenwood Plaza Blvd., Suite 340
Greenwood Village, CO 80111

Classroom/Synchronous Courses

2024-2025 7-Hour National USPAP Update (7/7)

Online/Asynchronous Courses

O/L A Review of Appraisal Approaches and Techniques (14/14)
O/L Appraisal Economics and Value (7/7)
O/L Appraisal Ethics and Valuation Bias (3/3)
O/L Appraisal Statistics (3/3)
O/L Appraisal Technology and GSE Appraisal Review (4/4)
O/L Appraising Energy-Efficient and Green Homes (3/3)
O/L Characteristics Influencing Appraisals (6/6)
O/L Reviewing Appraisal Valuation Procedures (4/4)
O/L Reviewing Property Ownership and Real Estate Markets (7/7)
O/L Reviewing Real Estate Title, Transfers, and Contracts (5/5)
O/L Supervisory Appraiser/Trainee Appraiser Course (4/4)

Triangle Appraisal School
2801 3V Ward Blvd.
Wilson, NC 27896
2024-2025 Questions and Answers (7/7)
History and Regulatory Process of Appraisal Profession (7/7)
NC Appraisal Act (7/7)
UNC School of Government
CB#3330 Knapp-Sanders Bldg.
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3330

Classroom/Synchronous Courses

Fundamentals of Property Tax Collection (13.5/13)

3133 Hawk Street
San Diego, CA 32103
georgedell.com AND valuemetrics.info

Classroom/Synchronous Courses

Stats, Graphs and Data Science 1 (14/14)

Wendell Hahn & Associates
9 Highbourne Court
Columbia, SC 29204

Classroom/Synchronous Courses

2024-2025 7-Hour National USPAP Update (7/7)
Estimating and Supporting Adjustments (7/7)
FHA Update 2023 (7/7)
Solar Energy Systems - Information and Valuation (7/7)


*Supervisor/Trainee Courses

Listed below are approved courses that meet the new 2015 requirements for the Supervisor/Trainee Course.

This course is required for new trainees and must be taken prior to submitting an application. Note: If your prospective supervisor has not taken the Supervisor/Trainee Course since July 2014, they will need to take this course prior to adding a new trainee.

AppraiseNC4U Appraiser Education

Supervisory Appraiser/Trainee Appraiser Course (4/4)
Central Piedmont Community College
Supervisory Appraiser/Trainee Appraiser Course (4/4)
McKissock Appraisal Schools
O/L Supervisory Appraiser/Trainee Appraiser Course (4/4)
The CE Shop
O/L Supervisory Appraiser/Trainee Appraiser Course (4/4)


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