Course Sponsor
Approved Courses
ACEI d/b/a Calypso Continuing Education
PO Box 176
Randolph, VT 05060
802-728-4015 |
Online/Asynchronous Courses
O/L 2024-2025 7-Hour Equivalent National USPAP Update (7/7)
O/L A Brief Historic Stroll through America's Architecture for Appraisers (7/7)
O/L Acquainting Ourselves with the ANSI Standard: Measuring Residential Properties (7/7)
O/L Appraising Energy Efficient Residential Properties (8/8)
O/L Appraising Manufactured Homes in America (7/7)
O/L Construction Details: From Concept to Completion (7/7)
O/L Cost Approach and Land Valuation (7/7)
O/L Cultural Competency and Elimination of Bias in Appraisals (3/3)
O/L Environmental Hazards Impact on Value (7/7)
O/L FHA Site Inspection (7/7)
O/L Mold A Growing Concern (3.5/3.5)
O/L Victorian Era Architecture for Real Estate Professionals (3.5/3.5) |
American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers
720 S. Colorado Blvd. Suite 360-S
Glendale, CO 80246
Classroom/Synchronous Courses
2024-2025 7-Hour National USPAP Update (7/7)
Advanced Appraisal Exam Preparation Course (20/20)
Advanced Rural Case Studies (30/30)
Appraisal of Water Rights Seminar (8/8)
Appraisal Through the Eyes of the Reviewer (7/7)
Appraising Ag Facilities: Feedlot Seminar (8/8)
Appraising Ag Facilities: Poultry Seminar (8/8)
Appraising Agricultural Land in Transition (8/8)
Data Analytics for Appraisers (8/8)
Farm and Ranch Succession, Estate, and Continuity Planning (8/4)
Introduction to Business Valuation for Rural Appraisers (8/8)
Introduction to Native American Real Estate Appraisal (4/4)
Principles of Permanent Planting Valuation (8/8)
Rural Sales Analysis and Verification (8/8)
The Appraiser as an Expert Witness (8/8)
Timber Property Valuation (8/8)
Uniform Appraisal Standards for Federal Land Acquisitions (Yellow Book) Course (21/21)
Valuation of Conservation Easements (22/22)
Appraisal Institute
200 W. Madison, Suite 2000
Chicago, IL 60606
Classroom/Synchronous Courses
2024-2025 7-Hour National USPAP Update (7/7)
700 Appraisers as Expert Witness (15/15)
Advanced Spreadsheet Modeling for Valuation Applications (14/14)
Application & Interpretation of Simple Linear Regression (14/14)
Appraiser's Guide to the New URAR (7/7)
Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, and the Metaverse Implications for Valuation (7/7)
Business Practices & Ethics (6/6)
Case Studies in Appraising Green Residential Buildings (7/7)
Community Land Trusts (CLT) Appraiser Training (4/4)
Condemnation Appraising: Principles & Apps (21/21)
Desktop Appraisals (Bifurcated, Hybrid) and Evaluations (7/7)
Fair Value, Market Value, Fair Market Value (7/7)
Fundamentals of Appraising Affordable Housing (7/7)
Fundamentals of Separating Real & Personal Property from Intangible Business Assets (14/14)
Historic Preservation (Facade) Easements: Appraisal Techniques and Valuation Issues (7/7)
Impact of Short-term Rentals (on Real Property Valuation) (7/7)
Inconsistency: It's Hiding in Plain Sight in Your Appraisal (7/7)
Inconsistency: It's Hiding in Plain Sight in Your Residential Appraisal (7/7)
Intro to Green Buildings: Principles & Concepts (8/7)
Litigation Appraising: Specialized Topics and Applications (21.5/21.5)
Practical Applications in Appraising Green Commercial Properties (14/14)
Practical Applications of Fundamental Analysis (7/7)
Residential & Commercial Valuation of Solar (14/14)
Review Case Studies - General (30/30)
Review Case Studies - Residential (14/14)
Review Theory - General (30/30)
Review Theory - Residential (15/15)
Uniform Appraisal Standards for Federal Land Acquisitions (14/14)
Valuation of Conservation Easements (28/28)
Valuation Overview of Accessory Dwelling Units (7/7)
Online/Asynchronous Courses
O/L 2024-2025 7-Hr Equivalent USPAP Update (7/7)
O/L Analyzing Operating Expenses (7/7)
O/L Appraisal of Manufactured Homes (8.5/7.5)
O/L Appraisal of Medical Office Buildings (7/7)
O/L Appraising Automobile Dealership Course (7/7)
O/L Appraising Condos, Co-ops and PUDs (7/7)
O/L Appraising Residential Property on Tribal Lands in Closed Market Areas (4/4)
O/L Business Practices and Ethics (6/6)
O/L Case Studies in Appraising Green Commercial Buildings (14/14)
O/L Case Studies in Appraising Green Residential Buildings (7/7)
O/L Comparative Analysis (7/7)
O/L Eminent Domain & Condemnation (7/7)
O/L Excel Applications for Valuation (8/8)
O/L Expand Your Practice: Arbitration Do's and Don'ts (7/7)
O/L FHA Appraising: Principles & Procedures (7/7)
O/L Forecasting Revenue (7/7)
O/L Fundamentals of Apartment Appraising (7/7)
O/L Fundamentals of the Uniform Appraisal Standards for Federal Land Acquisitions (4/4)
O/L Intro to Green Buildings: Principles & Concepts (7/7)
O/L Measure it Right: Using the ANSI-Z765 (4/4)
O/L Practical Applications of the Residential Sales Comparison Approach (4/4)
O/L Rapid Response: Market Analysis in Volatile Markets (7/7)
O/L Rates & Ratios: Making Sense of GIMS, OARS & DCF (7/7)
O/L Residential and Commercial Valuation of Solar (14/14)
O/L Reviewing Res App and Using Fannie Mae (7/7)
O/L Small Hotel/Motel Valuation (7/7)
O/L Subdivision Valuation (7/7)
O/L The Appraiser's Guide to Expert Witnessing (7/7)
O/L The Discounted Cash Flow Model: Concepts, Issues, and Applications (5/5)
O/L Thinking Outside The Form (4/4)
O/L Understanding and Appraising Residential REOs (4/4)
O/L Using Your HP12C Financial (7/7)
O/L Valuation Bias - The Invisible Fence of Racial Discrimination (5/5) |
Appraisal Institute, NC Chapter
1300 Baxter Street, Suite 360
Charlotte, NC 28204
704-719-2644 |
Fair Value, Market Value, Fair Market Value (7/7)
The Unit Rule, The Expert Report and The Calling: Why Our Expertise Matters (7/7) |
AppraiseNC4U Appraiser Education
PO Box 1185
Grandy, NC 27939
252-453-3200 |
Classroom/Synchronous Courses
Road Map to Mastering Expert Witness Testimony (4/4)
Supervisory Appraiser/Trainee Appraiser Course (4/4) |
Appraiser eLearning, LLC
3314 West End Avenue, Suite 102
Nashville, TN 37203
Classroom/Synchronous Courses
2024-2025 7-Hour National USPAP Update (7/7)
2025 ACTS - Day 1 (7/7)
2025 ACTS - Day 2 (7/7)
6 Recent Appraiser Lawsuits and the Lessons from Each (3/3)
Advanced Appraisal Review (7/7)
Appraiser's Guide to Appraisal Inspections - Synchronous (7/7)
Appraiser's Guide to Highest and Best Use (4/4)
Appraiser's Guide to Short Term Rentals (4/4)
Appraiser's Guide to the Income Approach (7/7)
Appraising Limited Market Properties (4/4)
Appraising Pre-Foreclosures, Short Sales & REO's (7/7)
Believe It or Not: Creating Credible and Supported Adjustments (4/4)
Creating Formulas that Work (7/7)
Critique - Anatomy of a Review (7/7)
Diversifying Your Practice - Inside and Out (7/7)
Elimination of Bias and Cultural Competency for Appraisers - with Real World Relevance (3/3)
FHA Roadmap (7/7)
Fostering Diversity in the Appraiser Profession (3/3)
How to Appraise Solar Panels (7/7)
Manufactured Housing (7/7)
Non-Lending Appraisals: Expanding Your Appraisal Practice (7/7)
Objectivity: Market Change and GLA (4/4)
Scan to Sketch - Practical Application of Mobile Appraising (7/7)
Supported Land Value (4/4)
The Appraiser's Guide to the New URAR (7/7)
The Life of an Appraisal - What Happens Next? (4/4)
The Other Appraisal Reports: Exploring Restricted and Oral Appraisal Reports (7/7)
The Past, Present and Future of the Mortgage Appraisal (7/7)
Top 15 Takeaways from Your Colleagues' Legal Misfortunes (3/3)
Ultimate Workfile: What, When, Why (4/4)
Online/Asynchronous Courses
O/L ANSI, Home Measurement, and the Power of Price-Per-Square-Foot (7/7)
O/L Appraiser Liability 101: Essential Concepts (4/4)
O/L Appraiser's Guide to Appraisal Inspections (7/7)
O/L Appraiser's Guide to Covering Your Appraisal (4/4)
O/L Appraising 2-4 Unit MF Properties (7/7)
O/L Appraising Complex Properties with Unique Characteristics (3.5/3.5)
O/L CARR: 4 Secrets to a Great Appraisal (4/4)
O/L Commercial Property Valuation (7/7)
O/L Desktops 101: Navigating GSE Appraisal Modernization (4/4)
O/L Depreciated Replacement Cost (7/7)
O/L Learning Home Measurement - Video Series (5/5)
O/L Measuring Square Footage with ANSI Z765-2021 (4/4)
O/L Public Records, Square Footage & the Real Estate Information Crisis (7/7)
O/L Sales Comparison Approach: A Course on Analysis and Reporting (7/7)
O/L Selecting and Supporting Market Adjustments (3/3)
Central Piedmont Community College
PO Box 35009
Charlotte, NC 28235-5009
704-330-4685 |
Classroom/Synchronous Courses
Supervisory Appraiser/Trainee Appraiser Course (4/4) |
Edgecombe Community College
225 Tarboro Street
Rocky Mount,
NC 27801
252-618-6684 |
Classroom/Synchronous Courses
2024-2025 7-Hour National USPAP Update (7/7)
Grapevine Education Services
600 Derby Court
Gastonia, NC 28054
Classroom/Synchronous Courses
2024-2025 7-Hour National USPAP Update (7/7) |
Green Mountain eLearning
29 Stone Road
Williamstown, VT 05679
O/L Big Data-Big Trouble, Public Records, Square Footage & Big Data Myths (5/5)
O/L Cultural Competency and Elimination of Bias (3/3)
O/L Measuring Square Footage with ANSI (4/4) |
McKissock Appraisal Schools
399 S. Spring Ave., Suite 108
St. Louis, MO 63110
Classroom/Synchronous Courses
2024-2025 7-Hour National USPAP Update (7/7)
Appraiser's Guide to the New URAR (7/7)
Appraising 2-4 Unit Residences (7/7)
Appraising REO Properties (4/4)
Appraising Small Apartment Properties (4/4)
Cracking the Code-Demystifying Desktop and Hybrid Appraisals (3/3)
Live Webinar: Appraising Complex and Stigmatized Residential Properties (7/7)
Live Webinar: Appraising Condominium Units (3/3)
Live Webinar: Diversify Your Appraisal Practice with Assessment Appeals (4/4)
Live Webinar: Diversify Your Appraisal Practice with Estate Appraisals (3/3)
Live Webinar: Focus on FHA Minimum Property Requirements (4/4)
Live Webinar: Fundamentals of Expert Witness Testimony (4/4)
Live Webinar: Land and Site Valuation (5/5)
Live Webinar: Learning from the Mistakes of Others: Appraisal Disciplinary Case Studies (3/3)
Live Webinar: Market Disturbances (4/4)
Live Webinar: Measuring 1-4 Unit Residential Properties with ANSI Z765 Standard (4/4)
Live Webinar: Mortgage Lending Appraisal Requirements: Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (7/7)
Live Webinar: New Construction Essentials - Luxury Homes (3/3)
Live Webinar: REO Appraisal: Guidelines and Best Practices (4/4)
Live Webinar: Residential Property Inspection for Appraisers (7/7)
Live Webinar: Responding to a Reconsideration of Value (3/3)
Live Webinar: Supporting Adjustments: The Journey from Analysis To Adjusting (4/4)
Live Webinar: The Appraiser's Guide to HUD Handbook 4000.1 (7/7)
Live Webinar: The Fundamentals of Appraising Luxury Homes (4/4)
Live Webinar: Using Appraisal Report Templates Responsibly (3/3)
Live Webinar: Valuation of Residential Solar (3/3)
Mortgage Fraud Insights - Case Studies for Appraisers (4/4)
Navigating Essential Tools for Real Estate Appraisal (4/4)
Navigating AI - Transformative Tools for Appraisers (4/4)
Unlocking Valuation Conditions - Desktop & Hybrid Appraisals (4/4)
Online/Asynchronous Courses
O/L 2024-2025 7-Hour National USPAP Update (7/7)
O/L Appraisal of Fast Food Facilities (7/7)
O/L Appraisal of Industrial and Flex Buildings (7/7)
O/L Appraisal of REO and Foreclosure Properties (7/7)
O/L Appraisal of Self-Storage Facilities (7/7)
O/L Appraising 2-4 Unit Residences (7/7)
O/L Appraising Today's Manufactured Homes (7/7)
O/L Best Practices for Completing Bifurcated and Hybrid Appraisals (3/3)
O/L Commercial Land Valuation (4/4)
O/L Complex Properties: The Odd Side of Appraisal (7/7)
O/L Divorce and Estate Appraisals: Elements of Non-Lending Work (4/4)
O/L Evaluating Today's Residential Appraisal: Reliable Review (7/7)
O/L Expert Witness Testimony Basics for Appraisers (4/4)
O/L Fair Housing, Bias and Discrimination (4/4)
O/L Green Building Concepts for Appraisers (7/7)
O/L GSE Appraisal Requirements and Guidelines (7/7)
O/L Income Approach Case Studies for Commercial Appraisal (4/4)
O/L Intermediate Income Approach Case Studies for Commercial Appraisers (4/4)
O/L Intro to Appraising Owner-Occupied Commercial Properties (7/7)
O/L Introduction to Commercial Appraisal Review (7/7)
O/L Introduction to Expert Witness Testimony for Appraisers - to Do or Not to Do (4/4)
O/L Introduction to the Uniform Appraisal Dataset (2/2)
O/L Land & Site Valuation (7/7)
O/L Market Disturbances - Appraisals in Atypical Markets and Cycles (3/3)
O/L Navigating Desktop & Hybrid Appraisals (7/7)
O/L New Construction Essentials: Luxury Homes (3/3)
O/L NC Supervisory Appraiser/Trainee Appraiser Course (4/4)
O/L Performing Divorce Appraisals (3/3)
O/L Performing Estate Appraisals (3/3)
O/L Relocation Appraisal and the New ERC Form (6/6)
O/L Residential Appraisal Review and Compliance (7/7)
O/L Residential Construction and the Appraiser (7/7)
O/L Residential Property Inspection for Appraisers (7/7)
O/L Residential Property Measurement and ANSI Z765 (4/4)
O/L Residential Report Writing: More Than Forms (7/7)
O/L Small Spaces, Big Impact-Appraising ADUs (3/3)
O/L Supporting Your Adjustments - Methods for Residential Appraisers (3/3)
O/L That's a Violation (4/4)
O/L The Appraisal Landscape of Rural Residential Properties (5/5)
O/L The Basics of Expert Witness for Commercial Appraisers (7/7)
O/L The Cost Approach (7/7)
O/L The FHA Handbook 4000.1 (7/7)
O/L The Fundamentals of Appraising Luxury Homes (4/4)
O/L The Income Approach (7/7)
O/L The Sales Comparison Approach (7/7)
O/L Uncovering and Valuing Current Luxury Home Trends (2/2)
O/L Understanding Luxury Home Features (7/7)
O/L Uniform Appraisal Standards for Federal Land Acquisitions (Yellow Book) (14/14)
O/L VA Appraisal Requirements and Guidelines (7/7)
O/L Valuation of Residential Green Buildings (4/4)
O/L Valuation of Residential Solar (3/3) |
Mitchell Community College
701 W. Front Street
Statesville, NC 28677
704-978-1366 |
Classroom/Synchronous Courses
2024-2025 7-Hour National USPAP Update (7/7) |
NC Department of Revenue
501 N. Wilmington Street
Raleigh, NC 27604
919-750-1527 |
Classroom/Synchronous Courses
IAAO 101: Fundamentals of Real Property Appraisal (30/30)
IAAO 102: Income Approach to Valuation (30/30)
IAAO 201: The Appraisal of Land (30/30)
IAAO 300: Fundamentals of Mass Appraisal (30/30)
IAAO 311: Real Property Modeling Concepts (30/30)
IAAO 452: Fundamentals of Assessment Ratio Studies (18/18)
NCDOR - Present Use Value Seminar (15/15)
NCDOR - Tax Administration in NC (30/22) |
1821 Hillandale Road, Suite 1B-145
Durham, NC 27705
2024-2025 7-Hour National USPAP Update (7/7)
Custom MLS Export, Chart and Trendline Creation (4/4)
Dang, Is That a Doublewide? (3/3)
FHA Appraisals - What Are They Looking For? (7/7)
Liability and Risk: Protecting Yourself as an Appraiser (3/3) |
OREP Education Network
6353 El Cajon Blvd, Suite 124-605
San Diego, CA 92115
Online/Asynchronous Courses
O/L Applying Appraisal Standards for Competent Valuations (7/7)
O/L Appraisal Adjustments II: Solving Complex Appraisals (7/7)
O/L Appraiser Liability and Risk Management (7/7)
O/L Determining Market Value and How to Adjust for Concessions (4/4)
O/L How to Raise Appraisal Quality and Minimize Risk (7/7)
O/L How to Support and Prove Your Adjustments (7/7)
O/L Identifying and Correcting Appraisal Failures (7/7)
O/L Non-Lending Appraisal Assignments (7/7) |
Perry Appraisals
PO Box 1172
Granite Falls, NC 28630
Classroom/Synchronous Courses
Questions You Would Like to Hear Answered, #2 (7/7) |
The CE Shop
5670 Greenwood Plaza Blvd., Suite 340
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
888-827-0777 |
Classroom/Synchronous Courses
2024-2025 7-Hour National USPAP Update (7/7)
Online/Asynchronous Courses
O/L A Review of Appraisal Approaches and Techniques (14/14)
O/L Appraisal Economics and Value (7/7)
O/L Appraisal Ethics and Valuation Bias (3/3)
O/L Appraisal Statistics (3/3)
O/L Appraisal Technology and GSE Appraisal Review (4/4)
O/L Appraising Energy-Efficient and Green Homes (3/3)
O/L Characteristics Influencing Appraisals (6/6)
O/L Reviewing Appraisal Valuation Procedures (4/4)
O/L Reviewing Property Ownership and Real Estate Markets (7/7)
O/L Reviewing Real Estate Title, Transfers, and Contracts (5/5)
O/L Supervisory Appraiser/Trainee Appraiser Course (4/4)
Triangle Appraisal School
2801 3V Ward Blvd.
Wilson, NC 27896
919-971-1887 |
2024-2025 Questions and Answers (7/7)
History and Regulatory Process of Appraisal Profession (7/7)
NC Appraisal Act (7/7) |
UNC School of Government
CB#3330 Knapp-Sanders Bldg.
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3330
919-966-4171 |
Classroom/Synchronous Courses
Fundamentals of Property Tax Collection (13.5/13) |
3133 Hawk Street
San Diego, CA 32103
619-297-6816 AND |
Classroom/Synchronous Courses
Stats, Graphs and Data Science 1 (14/14) |
Wendell Hahn & Associates
9 Highbourne Court
Columbia, SC 29204
Classroom/Synchronous Courses
2024-2025 7-Hour National USPAP Update (7/7)
Estimating and Supporting Adjustments (7/7)
FHA Update 2023 (7/7)
Solar Energy Systems - Information and Valuation (7/7)